- Teaching
- Steadfastness
- Steadfastness; Receiving God’s blessings, bounty and grace in the midst of persecution
- Believers facing persecution - The only prayer by the Guardian currently available in English
- Nearness to God
- Protection; Receiving God's nourishment
- To "have loving and tender hearts"
- Spiritual transformation
- Spiritual transformation
- Spiritual susceptibility and growth
- Spiritual growth
- Spirituality, Assistance, Certitude, Becoming heroic servants, Protection
- Happiness; Protection from “darts of idle fancy and vain imaginings”
- Spiritual progress
- Detachment; Holding fast unto that which pleases God; Exalting the Word of God
- Families who have recognized the Manifestation of God
- Assistance; Steadfastness; Victory; Detachment; Happiness; Purity; Service; Unity
- For the “American friends”
- To receive God’s blessings & grace
- To receive God’s mercy and grace
- With teaching and service
- To become more spiritual and service oriented
- To become “radiant lamps, merciful signs, fruitful trees and shining stars”
- To become spiritually transformed
- To acquire virtues
- To become “true Baha’is” and united
- To become steadfast, detached, and spiritually enlightened
- To get closer to the “shores of the ocean” of God's grace
- For the illumination of Persian-American Interdependence Society